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Volleyball Club

At Sunshine College Volleyball Club, we offer students an exhilarating opportunity to compete against a diverse range of schools throughout the year—schools you wouldn't normally encounter in typical interschool sports. Our club proudly supports both boys’ and girls’ teams, ensuring everyone gets a chance to play and shine on the court!

Training for Excellence


Dive deep into the world of volleyball with our rigorous training sessions held multiple times each week. Here, you’ll master essential skills such as:

  • Perfecting Technique: Learn the precise mechanics that make every serve, spike, dig, set and block count.

  • Understanding Positions and Rotations: Gain strategic knowledge to enhance team synergy and performance and gain a deeper understanding of volleyball.

  • Defensive Mastery: Develop robust defensive strategies to outsmart your opponents.

  • Advanced Tactics: Explore various tactics that will sharpen your competitive edge.


Compete on the big stage with Sunshine College Volleyball Club

Dedicated and passionate players who commit to training and demonstrate continuous improvement will earn the chance to showcase their talents in prestigious tournaments throughout the year. Our thrilling line-up of events includes:

  • Victorian Schools Cup - 1-Day Tournament (early May): Kick off the season with intense competition and fast-paced action!

  • Victorian Schools Cup - 3-Day Tournament (late July): Immerse yourself in a weekend of high-stakes matches against top schools from across the state.

  • Volleyball Victoria Junior Open - 3-Day Tournament (late November): Test your skills and strategy in this elite tournament that attracts the best junior players from across Victoria.

  • Australian Schools Cup - 1-Week Tournament (early December, Queensland): Experience the ultimate volleyball showdown on a national stage! Subject to potential funding to make this dream a reality.


Seize these incredible opportunities to compete, excel, and make unforgettable memories with your teammates!

Kangaroo holding a volleyball with its tail, logo for the volleyroos

Sunshine College Volleyball Club is proudly sponsored by Life Saving First Aid and Volleyroos, the Australian Men’s National Volleyball Team

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Βόρεια πανεπιστημιούπολη: (03) 8311 8500
West Campus: (03) 8311 5200

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Το Sunshine College αναγνωρίζει τους Παραδοσιακούς Ιδιοκτήτες, τους ανθρώπους Wurundjeri και Boon Wurrung του Έθνους Kulin, στη γη του οποίου συναντάμε, μοιραζόμαστε και δουλεύουμε. Εκτιμούμε τα σεβασμό μας στους Πρεσβύτερους παρελθόντες και παρόντες και εκφράζουμε το σεβασμό μας στους Αβορίγινους και τους Νήσους των Στενών Torres από όλα τα έθνη αυτής της γης.


© 2020 από το Sunshine College

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